

Electric Machines and Systems

Design of compact phase controller for pulse tube refrigerator



A compact phase controller of pulse tube refrigerator is proposed in this paper. Most pulse tube refrigerators available now consist of a long inertance tube and reservoir as the phase controller. The long inertance tube and reservoir present a challenge for compact packaging in some applications. To overcome this disadvantage, the long inertance tube and reservoir are replaced with the compact phase controller consisted of mass, spring and damper in pulse tube refrigerator. This process is achieved using similarity of mechanical, electrical, and acoustic system and the specific configuration of the compact phase controller is designed. From the simulation code in this paper, the performance of pulse tube refrigerator with the designed compact phase controller is confirmed to be comparable to pulse tube refrigerator with the long inertance tube and reservoir.


  2.1. Inertance-type phase controller
  2.2. Similarity of mechanical and electrical system
  2.3. Configuration of compact phase controller


  • Tael‘yung Ki 기태경. 한국과학기술원 기계공학과
  • Sangkwon Jeong 정상권. 한국과학기술원


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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