

Materials, Properties, and Electronic Devices

Conceptual Design of an HTS large power transformer with continuously transposed coated conductors



This paper shows results of a design work of a program that is to develop a large power single phase high temperature superconducting (HTS) transformer. The program forms a part of a national project in Korea. A target of the design work is an HTS power transformer with rated voltages of 154 kV/22.9 kV and material for windings is supposed to be coated conductor. The design results presents in this paper will include: 1) HTS winding structures for high voltage in liquid nitrogen, 2) design result of continuously transposed coated conductor (CTCC), 3) conceptual design of high voltage bushings, 4) cooling system. A feasibility study will succeed to this design work for construction of a prototype HTS power transformer with capacity/voltage of 33 MVA/154 kV.


  3.1. HTS windings
  3.2. CTCC for large rated currents
  3.3. Bushings for high raled voltages
  3.4. Cryogenics
  3.5. Configuration ofthe iron core and the cryostat


  • 이지광 Ji-Kwang Lee. 우석대학교
  • 이세연 Seyeon Lee. 성균관대학교
  • 박상호 Sang-Ho Part. 산업기술대학교
  • 김우석 Woo-Seok Kim. 서울대학교
  • 최경달 Kyeongdal Choi. 한국산업기술대학교
  • 한송엽 Songyop Hahn. 서울대학교
  • Ilhan Park Sungkyunkwan University


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