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Rethinking on Modernism Cinema through the Analysis of Red Desert


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Historically Speaking, Modernism Cinema was in all its glory in Europe from 1950s to 1970s after the World War II, returning the images whose importance had disappeared in earlier period in the film history. Against the traditional conventions of Classical Hollywood Cinema, Modernism Cinema pursued the alternative forms of cinema and experimented on the expressions of the images rather than the narrative. Red Desert(1964), directed by Michelangelo Antonioni, one of the representatives of Modernist film directors, has the very characteristic styles of Modernist cinema. Through the analysis of the film, this article deals with the subject of formality, aesthetics and historicity in Modernism Cinema. First of all, the film breaks the typical structure of narrative, which was emphasized in classical cinema, excluding the actual incidents or episodes in the film narrative and presenting an ambiguous conclusion. The film does not only question the conventional realism but also investigates the authentic reality in cinema and the relationship between them. Thus, the ambiguous images became the keys to experimenting the forms of Modernism cinema, and the images of the real world make the protagonist nervous and hysteric in the film. In order to achieve the obsessive angle of Juliana, the heroine of the film, 'free indirect point-of-view shot', which is to sequentially juxtapose the two different and unrelated points of view of the same image, is used as stylistic operation. By means of this stylistic device, the director has been able to represent the world seen through his eyes. Moreover, the possible confusions in the points-ofview disturb the mechanism of suture which constructs subjectivity. Red Desert p u r s u e s aesthetics in its form, not only presenting the obscure images of industrial society but also 영상예술연구_ 5호 distorting the constriction of color, lines and figure. Especially, the technique in the use of color enables the multi-dimensional analyses of the meaning of color, since it does not attempt the realistic effect in color. In the historical sense, Modernism Cinema shows the bourgeoisie's experience of modernity in Europe after the World War II. The immorality of characters in Red Desert also represents the times of suffering due to the crisis and the absence of morality.


1. 들어가며
 2. 해체된 서사와 불균질한 시점
 3. 이미지의 실험 및 색채 사용
 4. 부르주아의 모더니티 경험
 5. 마치며


  • 반현정 Ban, Hyun Jeong. 중앙대학교 석사과정


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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