


〈난징! 난징!〉을 둘러싼 중국의 탈민족주의 논쟁: 탈식민적 저항성은 어디로 갈 것인가


A Discussion about Prenationalism of China over 〈Nanjing! Nanjing!〉(Ruchun, 2009): Where is Nationalistic Resistance Heading?


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



A Discussion about Prenationalism of China over 〈Nanjing! Nanjing!〉(Ruchun, 2009): Where is Nationalistic Resistance Heading? Heegyeo Kim(Kwangwoon University) The nantionalism of Korea has been theoretically continued to thrive under the strong wave of postmodernism. It was desirable that the nationalism of Korea became flexible as it possessed its lapidary. However, the flexible nationalism also emasculates the resistance to violence among East Asian countries to a certain extent. The current Open-nationalism reaches to the level of completed intellectual pursuit while the nationalism of Korea in the past was one of the most powerful methods to struggle for accomplishing the pre-colonialism since the colonization of Korean Peninsula. The author have interests in China’s characteristics and its potential power as a peacemaker that protects neighboring countries from war and violence. Especially, we spotlight on China’s propensity for pre-colonialistic nationalism and its role. The immediate objective of this research is to analyze the argument over historical re-interpretation for historicizing war and violence between nationalism and free-nationalism of China through a film,〈Nanjing! Nanjing!〉. Based on this, we intend to investigate 1) how China tries to historicize the Nanjing Massacre which victimized Chinese people by war and violence even after New China had been established by accomplishing free-colonialism and by obtaining the territory and sovereignty 2) how Chinese pre-nationalists and nationalists define Japan who has been a perpetrator without squaring themselves 3) whether China also settle the historical issues bind them to war and violence. Through these analyses, we could have a reflective opportunity to search for directions of our pre-colonialism.


I. 위기의 시대
 II. 난징, 1937년
 III. 탈민족주의적 서사전략
 IV. 문화자본의 공모
 V. 재미있는 그러나 위험한


  • 김희교 Heegyeo Kim. 광운대학교


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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