


해양공간과 네트워크: 독일한자Deutsche Hanse의 교류공간을 중심으로


Marine Space and Network: Focused on the Hanseatic Leaugue as a Network Space


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Marine Space and Network: Focused on the Hanseatic Leaugue as a Network Space Chun-Shik Kim(POSTECH) Not only the actual trend of excellent achievement from socio-scientific research but also recent enlargement of research boundary of maritime studies have been challenging us to explore “Hanseatic League (Deutsche Hanse)” from various perspectives. This paper mainly deals with “Deutsche Hanse (Hanseatic League)” as a complex networking space having locality and temporality at the same time. In particular, the Baltic region in late medieval is retraced using the keywords that the Hanseatic network was mostly based on commercial trade. In the Middle Ages, cities and towns have used marine space not only for trade but also for their networking with political, economic and socio-cultural purposes. This enabled those marine spaces to make exceptional development of the manufacturing technique. This is the “Hansebund” or Hanseatic League that showed a brilliant prosperity from the Baltic to the North Sea, 12th to 15th century. The Hanseatic cities had their own legal system and furnished their own protection and mutual aid, and thus established a sort of political autonomy and in some cases created political entities of their own. The Hanseatic league leaded by German cities achieved domination of trade in the Baltic with striking speed over the 13th century. Wide commerce and trade activities in this region contributed to the development of capitalism and the intensity of the middle class as a result played significant role to dissolve feudalism. Moreover the autonomy given by the empire and despot influenced Northern Renaissance in various ways. The fact that religious reformation triggered by Martin Luther was successful is also a convincing evidence that this region was under the direct and indirect influence of free Hanseatic culture. As described above, Hanseatic region, deserved to be named as an independent civilization area in the European history, was formed in Baltic region for communication and material civilization with the development of handicraft, urban architecture and shipbuilding. The Hanseatic culture became a pride and honor for the citizen, and the tradition of Hanseatic League is still diffused into the daily life by transforming itself as a materialized civilization. Correspondingly, the region is even now also recognized as a substantial force for EU integration. In that sense we find “die Neue Hanse” which was revived in 1980s as a evidence for this. Although merged by empire in the year of 1669 due to the reinforcement of kingship, it was one of the vigorous regions for communication and civilization over 500 years from the middle 12th century to the late 17th century. Namely if the Mediterranean region is a lake for Greek and Roman civilizations, North Sea and Baltic Sea were breastfeeded by “Deutsche Hanse” communication space in that period.


I. 들어가는 말
 II. 한자공간에 관한 연구경향
 III. 독일한자의 성립과 쇠퇴
  중세 북부 유럽의 도시 발전
  독일한자의 성립
  독일한자의 성격과 상업활동
 IV. 독일한자의 네트워크 공간과 도시변화
  한자동맹과 네트워크 공간
  한자도시의 기술
 V. 나가는 말


  • 김춘식 Chun-Shik Kim. 포항공과대학교


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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