

石造文化財의 特徵과 岩石에 대한 地質學的 硏究 (III) -京畿道 河南市, 楊平郡 및 驪州郡을 中心으로


Characteristics of Stone-monuments and Geological Studies on the Rocks for Conservation(III) - Hanam city, Yangpyeong-gun and Yeoju-gun, Gyeonggi-do

석조문화재의 특징과 암석에 대한 지질학적 연구 (III) -경기도 하남시, 양평군 및 여주군을 중심으로

李尙憲, 朴耕立

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Stone-monuments, distributed in this area, have been investigated and studied on the characteristics and the rock phases in the geological and conservational points of view. Most of them may have been built from the end of the Shilla Kingdom to the Koryeo Kingdom, which are based on the typical characteristics of the form. The used rocks in these monuments are mainly biotite granite of the Jurassic age which is widely distributed around the area. Black slate and marbles are also used in some monuments, which may be obtained from other areas. The biotite granite of massive and coarse texture contains often inclusions of biotite aggregates or fragments of dioritic rock phase. However, the biotite granite in the area may be very weak to the chemical weathering so that irregular rock surface shows generally relief. The irregular relief is mainly due to different relative degree on the chemical weathering according to the kind of minerals especially quartz, feldspar and biotite. The chemical weathering is also influenced by organisms. For conservation, they must be scientifically considered based on the characteristics, kind of the rock phase, factors on the weathering process, situation in situ or being transported, and protection.


 1. 序論
 2. 종류 및 특징
  2.1 석탑
  2.2 부도
  2.3 석비
  2.4 석불
  2.5 기타 석조문화재
 3. 지질배경
  3.1 변성암류
  3.2 화성암류
 4. 문화재별 암석의 종류
  4.1 석탑 및 부도
  4.2 석불
  4.3 석비
  4.4 기타
 5. 암석의 풍화
  5.1 개요
  5.2 풍화상태
 6. 보존에 관한 고찰
 7. 結論


  • 李尙憲 이상헌. 강원대학교 지질학과
  • 朴耕立 박경립. 강원대학교 건축공학과


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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