

중국인 학습자를 위한 한국어 조사 ‘이/가’, ‘은/는’의 교육 - 중국어와의 대응을 중심으로 -


Teaching on Korean Particles '-i/ga' and '-un/nun' for Chinese Learners - Mainly on the Correspondence with Chinese Language -.


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Even though, from the viewpoint of typological description, Korean language and Chinese language are different each other in the word order, they are all topic prominence languages. The use rate of the typical topic sentences in using Chinese language is high, and also the use rate of Korean particles '-은/는' presenting topic and old information in using Korean language is high, too. Nevertheless, among the grammatical fallacies of Chinese learners in using Korean language, the fallacy rate of Korean particles '-은/는' and '-이/가' is highest. Thus, the purpose of this paper is to compare and analyse chinese sentence patterns corresponding to the function of Korean particles '-은/는' and '-이/가' in the standpoint of contrastive study. In Chinese language, there are 'about somebody/something', 'Topicalization', double-subject sentence'. 'subject+是+noun', 'when one talks about the first person', 'when one talks about the fact', and 'the structure of old information' corresponding to Korean particles '-은/는' and '-이/가'. As the items corresponding to '-이/가', 'presentative sentence', 'double-subject', 'embedded clauses', '由+subject+verb', '是+{clause+的}', and 'focus-subject' are in Chinese language. Most of the Chinese teachers teaching Korean language are Chinese native speakers or bilinguist( the Korean-Chinese). They can apply the results of comparative analysis into teaching method of Korean language.


 1. 서론
 2. ‘-은/는’과 대응 표현
  (一) NP1이 ‘關於…’(‘-에 대해서 말하자면’)의 의미를 가질 경우
  (二) 주제화 변형
  (三) 이중주어문은 ‘-은/는 -이/가(서술어)’의 구조를 갖는다(대조의 의미를 가질 때는 ‘-은/는’).
  (四) 구정보에서는 ‘-은/는’을 사용한다.
  (五) 주어+是+명사(A는 B이다)
  (六) 1인칭에 대해 이야기할 때는 ‘-은/는’을 사용한다(주어에 초점이 있을 때는 ‘-이/가’).
  (七) 사실에 대해 이야기할 때 ‘-은/는’을 사용한다(주어에 초점이 있을 때는‘-이/가’).
 3. ‘-이/가’와 대응 표현
  (一) 주어에 초점을 두고 묻거나 대답할 때는 ‘-이/가’를 사용한다(어느, 무슨, 무엇, 언제, 왜)
  (二) 내포절의 주어와 종속절의 주어에는 ‘-이/가’를 사용한다.
  (三) 是+{절+的}
  (四) 행위의 주체자를 강조
 4. 존현문과 ‘-이/가’
 5. 결론


  • 백수진 Baek, Sujin. 계명대학교


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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