

한국어에서의 불손 실현: Leech(1983, 2002)의 불손 격률


Realization of Impoliteness In Korean Language: Leech(1983, 2002)'s Maxims of Impoliteness,


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This aim of article is to evaluate whether Leech(1983, 2002)'s maxims of impoliteness, 'maximize the expression of impolite belief, minimize the expression of polite belief' as opposed to the maxims of politeness, are available to realize the impoliteness in terms of korean language(especially, korean drama). Leech's theory of politeness encompasses the potential of impoliteness: the asymmetries of self/other, marginal territories, reverse effect of indirectness. But through the limitations of linguistic strategy in the level of utterances, Leech can not deal with sincere intentions of speaker to be polite and illuminate sufficiently the dynamics of human communicative interaction. In Korea, parameters of age and affection work to offset the effect of it and draw a flow of conversation. As a mechanism to study impoliteness in korean language, it is supposed to considerate impolite intention(intention of preposition and attitude), social and situational relations of interactants, and response of hearer through recognition of them.


 1. 서론
 2. Leech(1983)의 공손 원리에서 불손의 잠재성
  2.1 비대칭성
  2.2 주변적인 불손
  2.3. 간접화의 역효과로서의 불손
 3. 불손 격률
  3.1 재치(Tact) 격률과 관용(Generosity) 격률
  3.2 칭찬(Approbation) 격률과 겸손(Modesty) 격률
  3.3 동의(Agreement) 격률과 동조(Sympathy) 격률
 4. 한국어에서 불손 실현의 기제
 5. 결론


  • 김태나 Kim Tae-Na. 한국외국어대학교


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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