A case study on Korean language and culture education utilizing multimedia.
The aim of this study is to show how to teach Korean language and culture using multimedia. In multimedia learning, active processing requires five cognitive processes: selecting words, selecting images, organizing words, organizing images, and integrating. These cognitive processes are able to help Korean language learners understand Korean language and culture without difficulty. Korean language learners have difficulties in understanding Korean culture because textbook based education doesn't offer real images and sounds. Multimedia based education will offer a chance to easily learn Korean language and culture by providing an interesting content like television commercials. This study demonstrate the best direction for teaching Korean language and culture using television commercials, and present a planning for a semester as a model about their education.
1. 머리말
2. 선행 연구
3. 광고 동영상을 활용한 한국 언어ㆍ문화 교육의 실제
3.1 멀티미디어 학습 자료로서의 광고
3.2 광고 동영상을 활용한 한국 언어ㆍ문화 교육의 실제
4. 맺음말