The introduction of alternative method of reconstructed human skin equivalents for the assessment of skin irritation
Because many materials for skin application can induce the skin irritation, we should evaluate the primary skin irritation test. Recently, several alternative in vitro methods to Draize skin irritation test using rabbits have been developed. The most promising alternative method for skin irritation is the using of reconstituted human skin equivalent model(RhE). In this study, we introduce the development status of RhE model, principle and procedure of test method, and validation method. Further studies are in progress to improve the test protocols and the validation studies for KeraSkinTM developed by Korea in order to be certified internationally.
I. 서론
II. 피부자극 평가시험법의 현황
1. 토끼를 이용한 피부일차자극 평가
2. 피부자극시험의 대체법 연구현황
3. 인공피부 모델의 원리
III. OECD guideline TG 439에의한 인공피부모델 시험법 소개
1. 시험법 판정의 기본원칙
2. 세포 생존율 측정방법(MTT assay)
3. 인공피부의 QC 평가에 필요한 사항
4. 새로운 인공피부모델 validation 시험을 위한 performance standards 소개
IV. 고찰 및 결론