


유통 중인 과일류의 중금속 모니터링


Monitoring of Heavy Metals in Fruits in Korea

이진하, 서지우, 안은숙, 국주희, 박지원, 배민석, 박상욱, 유명상

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



According to the Codex committee, the maximum allowable level for lead in fruits is 0.1 mg/kg. This survey was conducted as a surveillance program following the establishment of safety guideline for fruits in Korea. Concentrations of lead (Pb), cadmium (Cd), arsenic (As) and mercury (Hg) were measured in 927 samples using a ICP-MS and a mercury analyzer. The recoveries of microwave digestion method were 86.0-110.4% for Pb, 81.0-104.0% for Cd and 82.0- 104.7% for As by standard addition method. The recovery of direct mercury analyzer was 106.5% for Hg. The average levels of Pb in μg/kg were 10.0±12.8 for apple, 8.8±10.9 for pear, 4.1±4.4 for persimmons, 14.9±12.3 for mandarin, 7.1±6.5 for orange, 3.1±3.3 for banana, 8.8±8.9 for kiwi, and 9.3±9.7 for mango. The average levels of Cd in μg/kg were 0.4±0.3 for apple, 2.0±1.6 for pear, 0.3±0.3 for persimmon, 0.1±0.1 for mandarin, 0.1±0.1 for orange, 1.3±1.8 for banana, 0.5±0.5 for kiwi, and 0.7±0.6 for mango. The average levels of As in μg/kg were 2.0±2.1 for apple, 1.2±1.3 for pear, 1.5±1.1 for persimmon, 0.8±0.3 for mandarin, 1.0±0.5 for orange, 1.8±1.2 for banana, 1.6±1.5 for kiwi, and 1.5±1.2 for mango. The average levels of Hg in μg/kg were 0.5±0.4 for apple, 0.3±0.2 for pear, 0.2±0.1 for persimmon, 0.2±0.1 for mandarin, 0.2±0.1 for orange, 0.2±0.0 for banana, 0.2±0.2 for kiwi, and 0.6±0.2 for mango. Based on the Korean public nutrition report 2005, these levels (or amounts) are calculated only at 0.17% for Pb, 0.013% for Cd and 0.006% for Hg of those presented in provisional tolerable weekly Intake (PTWI) which has been established by FAO/WHO. Therefore, the levels presented here are presumed to be adequately safe.


 재료 및 방법
  시약 및 초자
  시료의 전처리
  납, 카드뮴, 비소, 수은 분석
 결과 및 고찰
  정량 및 검출한계
  회수율과 표준인증물질 측정
  과일류 중 중금속 함량
  과일에 의한 중금속 잠정주간섭취허용량


  • 이진하 Jin-Ha Lee. 광주지방식품의약품안전청 유해물질분석과
  • 서지우 Ji-Woo Seo. 광주지방식품의약품안전청 유해물질분석과
  • 안은숙 Eun-Sook An. 광주지방식품의약품안전청 유해물질분석과
  • 국주희 Ju-Hee Kuk. 광주지방식품의약품안전청 유해물질분석과
  • 박지원 Ji-Won Park. 광주지방식품의약품안전청 유해물질분석과
  • 배민석 Min-Seok Bae. 광주지방식품의약품안전청 유해물질분석과
  • 박상욱 Sang-Wook Park. 광주지방식품의약품안전청 유해물질분석과
  • 유명상 Myung-Sang Yoo. 광주지방식품의약품안전청 유해물질분석과


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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