

Impeding Factors of Women's Entrepreneurship in Korea: Debate on Inherence vs Ambiance


Yoo-Jin Han

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



As the education level and economic participation of women have increased, women’s entrepreneurship has gained a much attention in Korea as well as worldwide. However, previous literatures have not sufficiently dealt with the underlying impediments that deter entrepreneurial activities of Korean women. Therefore, in this research, I intended to explore the various dimensions critically hampering women’s entrepreneurship in Korea. To this end, I reviewed existing articles and drew the most frequently referred and relevant to explain the barriers in Korean women’s entrepreneurship. As a result of a literature survey, I was able to simplify diverse factors affecting women’s entrepreneurship into two, namely inherence and ambience. I then subdivided these bifurcated contrasting views into two, again: trait-based difference from men and scholastic ability-based difference from men in the case of inherence and institutional regime surrounding businesses and national family support system in the case of ambience. Finally, I reached the following conclusion: ambience is more critical than inherence in women’s entrepreneurship in the Korean context. This implies that diverting from the previously gender-focused issues, we need to elaborate the various reasons in terms of relevant social constructs surrounding women for the facilitation of women’s entrepreneurship in Korea.


I. Introduction
 II. Framework for examining impeding factors
 III. Examination on Possible Impeding Factors in Korean Context
 IV. Conclusion
 V. Discussion


  • Yoo-Jin Han Assistant Professor, Department of Entrepreneurship, School of Global Service, Sookmyung Women’s University


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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