

Reflecting the Factors Affecting on the Youth Entrepreneurial Intention for Starting-Up Business


Shin-Mo Lee

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Health of a nation can be judged from the degree of entrepreneurship. So, healthy nation has dynamic entrepreneurial activity and the successive creation of new jobs throughout the nation. Most of young university graduates wants to get a job in a big business company, but the chances of getting a job are far short than their expectations. So, we need to change the career paradigm from joining the company to making the company. The career options needs to open to various directions and thus starting one's own business can be feasible option for the young job seekers. This paper dealt with the issues of the university student's recognition to start-up business, their intention to business venturing and factors affecting the intention of starting his/her business. The field survey showed if one knows much about the entrepreneurship his entrepreneurial intention tend to be higher. Furthermore, if one recognizes him as more capable for the starting up the business, he showed higher intention to be entrepreneur. Finally the result showed some groups, parents and colleagues, do moral support effect for the entrepreneurial intention. Young people in modern capitalist societies face an increasingly difficult situation in terms of satisfactory professional participation. The young have less access to employment in general, and to high quality and productive jobs in particular. Thus, increased entrepreneurship and more entrepreneurial thinking among the young people would have a number of benefits. The variables of youth involvement and sentiment to entrepreneur tested in the survey Health of a nation can be judged from the degree of entrepreneurship. So, healthy nation has dynamic entrepreneurial activity and the successive creation of new jobs throughout the nation. Most of young university graduates wants to get a job in a big business company, but the chances of getting a job are far short than their expectations. So, we need to change the career paradigm from joining the company to making the company. The career options needs to open to various directions and thus starting one's own business can be feasible option for the young job seekers. This paper dealt with the issues of the university student's recognition to start-up business, their intention to business venturing and factors affecting the intention of starting his/her business. The field survey showed if one knows much about the entrepreneurship his entrepreneurial intention tend to be higher. Furthermore, if one recognizes him as more capable for the starting up the business, he showed higher intention to be entrepreneur. Finally the result showed some groups, parents and colleagues, do moral support effect for the entrepreneurial intention. Young people in modern capitalist societies face an increasingly difficult situation in terms of satisfactory professional participation. The young have less access to employment in general, and to high quality and productive jobs in particular. Thus, increased entrepreneurship and more entrepreneurial thinking among the young people would have a number of benefits. The variables of youth involvement and sentiment to entrepreneur tested in the survey would tell more about the intention to be entrepreneur. So if the youth can take more opportunities to learn about entrepreneurship, their intention to be entrepreneur would increase meaningfully. This paper owes much to previous studies and not wholly tested the youth entrepreneurial intention. Some other variables need to be added to explain more clearly about the youth entrepreneurial activities. The promising variables future research would be some situational and policy making factors to empower youth entrepreneurship.


I. Introduction
 II. Recent Trends in Young Korean Job Market
 III. Theoretical Background on Entrepreneurial Intention
 IV. Major Background Factors Affecting on the Entrepreneurial Intention
 V. Field Survey & Analysis
 VI. Discussion and Conclusion


  • Shin-Mo Lee Professor, Dongduk Womens University


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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