

중소 벤처기업과 대기업의 디자인 경영 전략에 관한 비교연구


A Comparative Study on the Design Management Strategy between Venture and Major Business Enterprise

윤재호, 이철규

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



In the modern digital age, the emotions, personality, and cultural values of the individual customer as well as the fundamental functions of the product should be met to survive fierce competition of the marketplace. Recently, many advanced countries have focused on design improvement to compete against low-wage countries such as China. Newly emerging economies including China and Indiahave also concentrated on design policy by establishing more design schools in order to build and strengthen future competitiveness. Even though the importance of design has been well recognized around the world as mentioned above, the nature and strategic use of design have not been properly understood. With regard to the importance of a design management which creates a new vision and values, achieves the business goal, and improves the quality of human life, therefore, added amenities which can meet both customer demands and needs should be investigated through a comparative analysis of small-sized ventures and big business management strategies. This paper has investigated the design management of 3 large domestic companies, 2 large foreign firms, and 3 domestic venture businesses. The 3 large domestic companies were chosen from the 'Good Design Casebook' of the KIDP (Korea Institute of Design Promotion). The 2 large foreign firms were one company that considers design as its core value and one which has overcome financial difficulty through design management. The 3 domestic venture businesses were chosen from the 'Good Design Venture Businesses' of the KIDP. Based on the said cases, the suggestions for design management strategies of venture businesses can be summarized as follows: 1) Make the best use of fresh ideas from the outside, 2) make use of niche marketsand blue ocean strategies, 3) make conventional products different and unique through new design, 4) make use of outsourcing, and 5) make design in consideration of overseas markets. In order to use design management as an efficient corporate strategy, in sum, conclusions should be as follows: 1) design-based strategy becomes more influential as high-tech competition becomes fiercer, 2) the vision to be able to detect talented designers and good markets should be developed, 3) technology which meets the design should be acquired, 4) an environment in which the designer's creativity can be maximized should be formed, and 5) the CEO must be a firm leader. To properly respond to rapid social changes and to survive in the fierce market competition, companies now need to launch market-leading design management. As the design industry becomes stronger, both national competitiveness and corporate competitiveness will be greatly enhanced.


 제 1 장 서론
  제 1 절 연구의 배경
  제 2 절 연구의 방법 및 목적
 제 2 장 디자인 경영의 이론적 배경
  제 1 절 디자인 경영의 정의 및 필요성
  제 2 절 디자인 경영과 경영학의 비교
  제 3 절 디자인 경영의 차원
 제 3 장 중소 벤처기업 및 대기업의 디자인 경영 현황
  제 1 절 국내 대기업의 디자인 경영 현황
  제 2 절 해외 대기업의 디자인 경영 현황
  제 3 절 중소 벤처기업의 디자인 경영 현황
  제 4 절 디자인 경영 전략분석을 통한 성공요인 도출
  제 5 절 벤처기업의 디자인 경영전략을 위한 제언
 제 4 장 결론
  제 1 절 결론
  제 2 절 향후 연구


  • 윤재호 Jaeho yoon. 건국대학교 벤처전문기술학과 벤처기술경영전공 박사과정
  • 이철규 건국대학교 벤처전문기술학과


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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