

에지디우스 로마누스의 『군주통치론』: 중세 말 프랑스에서 정치 텍스트의 생산과 유통


The "De regimine principum" of Giles of Rome: the Production and the Circulation of a Political Text in France in the Late Middle Ages


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Giles of Rome's De regimine principum constitute a matrix text in the field of 'the politic' in the late Middle Ages in France characterized by the formation of the Modern State system. This text belongs to the genre of 'the Miroir of Prince', political text before the political science. It advices the king and the prince to be a 'wise ruler' for the good government. Two dimensions must be considered for this text. First, in the dimension of the contents, it present the most comprehensive political themes for the contemporaries. Above all, it mark three points of renovation in the genre of the 'Miror of Prince': consideration of all the three phases of aristotelian virtues (personal, familial and political) in the context of the political community; new relationship pastoral between the papacy and the kingship as the leader of the 'res publica' aiming the 'common good'; application of the methode of rhetoric for the political science. Secondly, it is marked by the enormous production of manuscripts and by its large diffusion in the late Middle Ages. Seven sorts of French translations prove also its great popularity among the political society members such as not only the nobles but also the bourgeois in the French Kingdom. This analysis of the production and the circulation of the De regimine principum aims therefore at the ideological praxis of a text in relation to the medieval society and to the political situation in Fourteenth Century.


I. 들어가며
 Ⅱ. 내용과 글쓰기 양식상의 특징들
 Ⅲ. 텍스트의 생산, 유포, 번역: 14-15세기 프랑스
  1. 프랑스 내 『군주통치론』의 생산과 번역
  2. 텍스트의 확산과 유통
 Ⅳ. 나가며


  • 홍용진 Yong-Jin HONG. 고려대학교


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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