

성 프란체스코 아씨시와 레오나르도 다빈치의 인식 비교: 자연, 개체, 속어와 관련하여


A Study on St. Francis of Assisi's and Leonardo da Vinci's world views: focusing on the nature, individuality, and mother tongue


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The historians of the late nineteenth and the twentieth centuries echoed and exalted the modernity of St. Francis of Assisi as the initiator of the Renaissance and the modern world. So was he a Renaissance man? What did he have these factors? Through this thesis I want to compare St. Francis's world view with Leonardo da Vinci's one. What kind of connection with them? Or difference? At first, I found that they have several things in common. The first, they recognized new natural world views. The distinctive features of St. Francis, freedom of spirit, love, pity, joyful serenity and familiarity were long to form the originality of Italian Christianity. Also Leonardo was the first artist who, by demanding a synthesis of nature and intellect, established a fundamentally new creative principle. St. Francis and Leonardo were filled with compassion toward animals and other creatures. The second, they moved to more popular people. St. Francis as an imitation of Jesus Christ went to the poor and the marginalized, whereas monks stayed in the cloisters. Furthermore Leonardo should have quarreled with the classical and literary Renaissance in which he was brought up and should have turned to a more popular and naturalistic Renaissance. The third, they did not train enough formal education. Though they knew a little Latin or nothing classics, they used mother tongue. Through these they could represent their own world ideas. The fourth, moreover St. Francis and Leonardo's understandings were based on four factors of Aristotelian nature view. And they believed in God's creation of the universe and nature. It seems that such thinking way had continued to Renaissance time. However, they had very different world views. The first, St. Francis discerned the hidden things of nature in his sensitive heart, whereas Leonardo da Vinci, who is scientist and artist, analysed the nature and light through his eyes. The second, they had different life goals. The former tried to achieve imitation of Christ, while the latter attempted to attain new style and way of thinking by experiment and analyse. In conclusion, even though they lived in different ages and life style, they are really Renaissance men as well as moderns


Ⅰ. 서론
  1. 문제제기
  2. 지적 배경
 Ⅱ. 두 인물의 공통성
  1. 자연에 대한 새로운 인식
  2. 개체에 대한 인식
 Ⅲ. 두 인물 비교
  1. 그리스도의 모방자 프란체스코
  2. 만능인 레오나르도
 Ⅳ. 맺음말


  • 이영재 Young- Jae LEE. 숭실대학교


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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