

15-16세기 케임브리지 퀸즈 칼리지의 성장과 영속적 챈트리


Perpetual Chantries and the Development of Queens' College, Cambridge in 15th and 16th Centuries


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Perpetual Chantries and the Development of Queens' College, Cambridge in 15th and 16th Centuries Eun-Jin Choi In medieval European universities, colleges were established as charitable institutions helping poor scholars to carry on studying higher faculty. In the early 14th century and late 15th century, the University of Cambridge achieved a remarkable degree of progress in promoting secular college movement. In the late 15th century, newly founded colleges in Cambridge were growing rapidly while existing ones were also expanding significantly. Colleges during this period began to attract new benefactors by promoting the religious function of the institution as perpetual chantries, which consequently enabled them to a rapid growth during 15th century. All college chapels initially functioned as chantries for founders and their families. To secure steady source of income and to maintain a bigger number of fellows, many colleges began to find new benefactors by offering them funeral services and intercession mass. Queens’ College, Cambridge serves as a vivid example of a college whose members’ engagement in attracting patronages had been particularly active. Although its official foundress was Margaret of Anjou and it had many royal patrons, most support from them had been little more than symbolic gestures. It was therefore necessary for Queens' College to strengthen the chantry function of the college to attract alternative financial resource in order to acquire land, construct college buildings, and provide living expenses for the fellows. After Henry Ⅷ’s Reformation, however, many colleges were no longer possible to function as perpetual chantries. This is because the focus of college activities was shifted to providing educational functions, including lectures and tutorials. Colleges began to accept commoners to make the college economically sustainable, and this move gradually led them to grow as a secular educational institution. (KyungHee University / ejchoi@khu.ac.kr)


Ⅰ. 머리말
 Ⅱ. 잉글랜드의 영속적 챈트리들
 Ⅲ. 퀸즈 칼리지의 후원자들
 Ⅳ. 종교개혁과 칼리지의 변화
 V. 맺음말


  • 최은진 Eun-Jin Choi. 웨스트민스터신학대학원대학교


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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