

10-12세기 프랑스 교회 영주령에 속한 농노에 관한 연구:『소뮈르의 생플로랑 수도원의 검은색 표지의 문서집』을 중심으로


The Study on the Ecclesiastical Serf in France in the 10th-12th Centuries: the Livre Noir de Saint Florent de Saumur


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



To research the ecclesiastical serf in France in the 10th-12th centuries, it seems attractive to listen the vivacious testimonies and the rich informations contained in the Livre Noir de Saint Florent de Saumur entitled Codex vetustarum donationem Niger nuncupatus. As one of the celebrated abbeys, through this period, the monastery of the Saint Florent not only is located on the heart of Saumur holding strongly the feudal character but also takes an important role with its authority for the other abbeys and the laic seigneurs including their dependent men under the servile conditions. Unfortunately, it leaves no method to explain juristically and to classify obviously the servile men, what we called, ‘non liberis'. In this point, for the purpose to catch especially the ecclesiastical serf bearing the servile conditions in this period, it is worth analyzing the valuable charters of this book which will make be a excellent testifier. Focalizing the incomplete liberty and the limited rights of the ecclesiastical servile person, we can try to examine the precious charters of this book through in first, the donations, exchanges and sales of the serfs by their ecclesiastical seigneurs, secondly, the custom of the ‘formariage’ and finally, the custom of the ‘mainmorte’. However, in reality, this task enables us to reconfirm certainly that the ecclesiastical serf is not expected to have more superior conditions than those of the others serfs, depending on his ecclesiastical seigneur in spite of considering as a person, in the 10th-12th centuries.


I. 머리말
 II. 콜리베르투스(collibertus)와 콜로누스(colonus)
 III. 교회 농노의 기증과 매매
  1. 교회 농노의 기증
  2. 교회 농노의 매매
 IV. 교회 농노의 외부혼 관습과 유산상속불능 관습
  1. 외부혼 관습
  2. 유산상속불능 관습
 V. 맺음말


  • 이정민 Jeong-Min Lee. 경상대학교


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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