Pope LeoⅢ crowned Charlemagne Emperor of the Romans at the church of St Peter on 25 December 800. Charlemagne's imperial coronation was initiated by the pope who hoped to acquire a powerful advocate for the Roman Church by promoting the strong king to Emperor of the Romans. Under the guardianship of Charlemagne the pope intended to emancipate the Roman Church from the Byzantine one and finally exclude the interference of the Byzantine Emperors in affairs of the Church. The event of 800 caused Westerners to create a new Empire which was different from not only the Byzantine but also the old Roman. The new Empire of Charlemagne seemed to be the Roman Empire because he outwardly acceded to the throne as a Roman Emperor. But his crown was holy as he became an Emperor through the mediation of a pope according to the will of God. With the coronation of Charlemagne, therefore, the Holy Roman Empire was born in the West. The event of 800 was the turning point in the European history. Historically the Byzantine Empire had been the only one that has legitimately succeeded to the ancient Roman Empire and Byzantine Emperor had been the only legal head of the Church as well as the Empire based on Caesaro-Papism. The coronation of 800, however, resulted in critical changes in relationship between the East and the West: politically, the one Empire was divided two because a new Empire appeared in the West; economically, the Roman Church was able to possess the territories in the Italian peninsula, freeing itself from byzantine bondage; religiously, the papacy at last achieved the final purpose of emancipation of the Roman Church from the Byzantine Church, resulting in the separation the Roman Catholic Church from the Greek Orthodox Church. Both the papacy and the Holy Roman Emperors successfully tried to degrade all kinds of Byzantine values after the event of 800. They asserted that the Western Empire instead of the Byzantine one was the legal one. They also regarded Greek Orthodox as heresy and raised Roman Catholic to the position of Orthodox religion. They went further to admire highly Western civilization to be brilliant whereas Eastern one barbarous. These ideas of medieval traditions were succeeded to the modern western world in which Western Europeans have discriminated against Eastern Europe to be undeveloped, barbarous, and disordered world, while considered Western Europe developed, civilized, and stable world. Thus Westerners described Easterners in a negative view under the base of their superiority and imagination. In short, such bias of Westerners against Easterners started from the event of the imperial coronation of Charlemagne in 800.
Ⅱ. 800년 사건의 주도자
Ⅲ. 로마가톨릭교회의 독립
Ⅳ. 신성로마제국의 탄생
Ⅴ. 맺음말