

중세 말 베네치아의 해상 네트워크


Venice's Maritime Networks in the Later Middle Ages


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This article aims to assess the level and dimension of the sea-borne communications between the ports by analysing Venice's maritime networks in the Later Middle Ages. Venice's maritime networks were an first-class infrastructure on the basis of which men, merchandises, news, lots of information were circulated. Until recently historians have viewed Venice's maritime networks mainly in the economic terms, i.e. a means of transportation. However, an effort should be made consider them in terms of the circulations of news, information, or communication. The Later Middle Ages saw that Venice's maritime networks were expanded. It was the city government which took the initiative in their expansion. In about 1300 the Venetian government established the system of the official convoys, which navigated in accordance with the timetables established by the city state. The Venetian official convoys called at most of major ports in the Mediterranean, the Black Sea and the Atlantic ocean. However, the Venetian official convoys made a long distance navigation just once or twice a year. The close scrutiny of merchants' correspondence reveals the fact that they exchanged the letters more frequently than the annual one or two passages of venetian official convoys that were in charge of a lion's share of the Venetian transportation of merchandises. In actuality, the communications by letters between Venice and other great maritime ports such as Barcelona, London, Bruges, and Acre was effectuated at least once or twice a month. The absence of the official convoys means that the transmissions of letters were inevitably done by the private ships. Thus it is necessary to rectify at least partly the prevailing opinion that the private ships made an negligible role in the Venetian transport systems. At the same time an emphasis should be put on the fact that the Venetian maritime networks were exceptionally rapid and extensively stretched out in the Later Middle Ages, when the frequency and intensity of the habitual communication with the exterior worlds in the medieval European societies was low and weak. And yet it should also be remembered that many parts in the Occident were still isolated from the developed maritime networks such as Venetian ones.


l. 서론
 II. 해상 네트워크의 확대
 III. 해상 네트워크의 수준,속도,주기,빈도
 IV. 해상 네트워 크의 기능
 V. 결론


  • 남종국 NAM, jong- Kuk. 동국대학교


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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