

도시 지배층과 인적 구성 -12세기 말 13세기 초 런던의 통치형태를 중심으로


The Ruling Class of the City and Its organization Concerning about the ruling organization of London in the late 12th century and the early 13th century.


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This article should be considered the analysis of the ruling organization of London in the late 12th century and the early 13th century, and then expressed not only the specific character but the effects on the London ruling class. Especially, it should be considered the characteristics of London mayors and sheriffs, and then brought right on the ruling structure. Also, it contains what the London ruling class were sorts of the status. After thoroughly reviewing related research materials it concluded as follows. First of all the election of London mayor appeared in the 1190s. It made an epoch in English town history. London mayor and sheriffs would not stand on either a class but representatives from London in the 1190s. London sovereignties comprised freedman, alderman, the upper classes. I grasped that the rulers of a town had formed the personnel network. The town rulers played an important role in town's administration, taxes, justice and that were forming a social group. Then London farm must had payed over the Exchequer. Its work was the one of important tasks between them. Also they bore the burden of town taxes and otherwise. London ordinary citizens were unequal to the town burdens. Therefore the only status class who had been able to pay for the town's burdens became the ruling class. That would be proved the merchant appearance by an overwhelming majority in London officials. Also such a change gradually made an appearance after the election of London mayor in the late 12th century and the early 13th century. And then, a leading commercial position was possible for the merchant(wool trader, draper, etc.) to try to take the initiative in town affairs. They gradually served as mayoralty and sheriffalty Thereafter the town upper class had not been an occupation or a group but creating cooperative networks. In those days London had been made significant progress in terms of commercial networks and household finances. The only social rising of the merchant class did not broke down the structure in the Middle Ages, but it was forming the medieval cooperative network.


I. 서론
 II. 지배층의 구성과 인적 유대
 III. 도시 지배층 가문의 등장
 IV. 결론


  • 이순갑 Soon-Gab Lee. 부산대학교


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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