

고딕 대성당을 중심으로 한 중세 인들의 커뮤니케이션 -샤르트르와 영국 대성당들(cathedrals)을 중심으로


Medieval People’s Communicationin Gothic Cathedrals


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Medieval cities’ revivals were changed skylines of European towns in the twelfth century. In respect of the local economy and population at that time, Gothic cathedrals had great meaning for the medieval citizens and presented their pride. In the course of the twelfth century the cathedrals had reflected the changes of theological thoughts. The theologians expressed Christ, the Incarnation rather than the Last Judgement in the Revelation. The Virgin was his mother but at the same time his spouse, also the Church. As the best way to obstruct heresies, Mary’s image now stood alongside Jesus’ at the center of their theology and the center of cathedral art. And Maria Regina was surrounded by glory. In other words, Mary’s coronation in each cathedral was actually the formal affirmation of the sovereignty of the Church of Rome. Therefore what did cathedrals mean to medieval people? While the bishops prevented heretical sect and preached Christ’s teachings, the kings fought false prophets and found out heretical members in the cathedrals. However the places were for not only ruling classes, but all ones. Masters and apprentices who took part in the Gothic edfices dedicated their talents and fervors to the glory of God. The cathedrals were to fairs for medieval people who sold and purchased surplus products. They were to be a public area as an open place for the wealthy as well as the poor. In the cathedral main group of clergy composed the bishops, the dignitaries, canons, chapters and so on. The canons among them were the most important and necessary members of the cathedral clergy. All the residentiary canons had to attend the cathedral services, and have the hospitality duties. And they were also responsible for the conduct of the greater part of the business affairs of the cathedral and chapter. How did these cathedrals function for people? First, medieval people used the place to meet God. They communicated with God in the cathedral which was filled with splendid stained glass, brightly lights, and realistic statues. So people might be felt mystique, wonder, and the Incarnate Christ. And bread and wine were the primary products at Chartres, they were also used instead of money to pay many oblations, such as various taxes, tithes as well as God’ offerings. Presentation loves at major feasts were distributed to the people especially the poor, also wine mixed with water (ablution wine) was given to the lay people. It might be consolidated unions of God as well as the people. Second, they communicated with the relics in the cathedrals. For example, Chartres cathedral was very famous for St. Mary’s sacred tunic. The faith of St. Mary was able to rebuild fifth cathedral from fires. Moreover St. Mary’s relic attracted many pilgrims. As a result Chartres had developed local fairs and contributed growth of local economy. Third, they communicated with the people there. For instance, the cathedrals were to be theaters, lay people were able to get rest and education. These were concord and relaxation in the people. However the cathedrals had the antagonism between the various social groups in the town and the economic basis of its construction. In conclusion, I revealed that the cathedrals functioned as a place of communication actively, people with God, the relic, and the people. It also includes that the cathedrals were centered in roles of social union of classes as well as diverse ones’ struggles.


l. 머리말
 II. 12세기 고딕 대성당의 종교적,사회적 위상
  1. 종교 생활의 중심지
  2. 도시 생활의 구심정
 III. 대성당 구성원의 신분과 역할
  1. 대성당 소속 성직자의 위계
  2. 주교
  3. 참사원 (canon)
 IV. 대성당의 커뮤니케이션 기능
  1. 신과의 커뮤니케이션
  2. 성인과 성모와의 커뮤니케이션
  3. 도시민들의 문화적 커뮤니케이션
 V. 맺음말


  • 이영재 Young-jae Lee. 숭실대학교


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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