

에드워드 I세(1272-1307)의 대 스코트랜드 정책의 의미


The Feminity of the Jewish Men in the Cantar de mio Cid


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



It is the purpose of this paper to examine in detail how Edward I, king of England, gained control over Scotland. Scotland was dependent on England in the thirteenth century. When Alexander III died suddenly in March 1286, there was uncertainty rather than a crisis over the succession. Failing the birth of a living child as heir, Maid of Norway, Alexander III’s granddaughter, acknowledged as rightful heir. The Treaty of Birgham was a marriage treaty uniting the heir of England with the heiress of Scotland. As Margaret, Maid of Norway, died suddenly in 1290, Edward I’s plan in Scotland would not work.
Edward was himself planning to subjugate Scotland from the ‘Great Cause’. All the claimants agreed that Edward I was the rightful overlord and that they would abide by his judgement on the succession. And they did homage to the king of England as lord superior of the realm of Scotland. John Balliol was decided upon as king of Scotland by Edward I, and he enthroned as king of Scotland on St Andrew’s Day in 1292. On 26th December 1292 John Balliol did homage to Edward I, recognizing that Edward I was his sovereign lord. But tensions between King Edward I and King John became more obvious in 1295 because of news of the French alliance with Scotland and the judicial argument relating to the Macduff appeal in English court. King John did not discharge his homage, so King Edward I summoned him in England. Against his coercion, King John annulled the contract of homage with King Edward I. Scots say that if any king of Scotland make himself subject, it was for certain lands that the king of Scotland held in England. So Dunbar war broke out between Scotland and England in 1296. And Scotland was defeated in the war. After Dunbar war, Edward I did hold power and influence in Scotland. There was no Scots strong enough to resist Edward I. As soon as the time of William Wallace had come, Wars of Independence broke out. Both English and Scottish sources stress that John Comyn was a major obstacle to Robert Bruce’s ambitions in 1306. On 10 February 1306 Robert Bruce murdered John Comyn. After the event, he enthroned king of Scotland. We must consider that the event was civil war.


I. 서론
 II. 왕국의 보호자 (Guardian) 제도와 스코틀랜드 왕국
 III. 스코틀랜드 왕위계승권과 에드워드 1세의 계략
 IV. 에드워드 1세의 스코틀랜드 지배 정책의 성격
 V. 결론


  • 홍성표 Seong-pyo Hong. 충북대학교


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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