

종교정치신학으로서 샤를마뉴의 저작 (the Libri Carolini)


The intention of the LIBRI CAROLINI in the reign of Charlemagne


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The intention of the LIBRI CAROLINI in the reign of Charlemagne Kyung-Soo Kim This paper examines the Libri Carolini's religiopolitical dimensions as splitting forces between the Eastern and the Western Christianity. This is done from the perspective of the spirit of the Reformation, which highlights the priority of the Bible, since the religiopolitical dimension of the Libri Carolini could provide the identity of Western Christianity. The author of the Libri Carolini wanted to denounce the restoration of images claimed by the Second Council of Nicaea in 787, providing its own theological and ideological interpretation of the images, even though the real issue of the iconoclastic controversy was never understood in the West because of the misinterpretation of the reports of the Council. In order to refute the restoration of images in the East, to seek the true tradition of the Church, based on Scriptures, was crucial for the author of the Libri Carolini. It is the Scriptures, in which the author of the Libri Carolini tried to redefine the concepts of images and to seek the true tradition in the viewpoint of the West. This kind of rethinking of tradition relied on the Scriptures in Charlemagne's time was one of the religiopolitical dimensions, which was the spirit of the Reformation and splitting forces between the East and the West.


I. 머리말
 II. 샤를마뉴의 저작의 목적
 III. 샤를마뉴의 저작의 형상이해
 IV. 성경의 권위
 V. 참된 전통추구
 VI. 맺음말


  • 김경수 Kyung-Soo Kim. 클리브랜드한인나사렛교회


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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