


눈썹화장이 얼굴이미지에 미치는 영향


The Influence of the Eyebrow Make-up on Facial Image


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Make-up changes facial images. In particular, eyebrow make-up is a part of changing expression most easily and effectively. While color make-up is helpful to produce women's desired image with their favorite colors, eyebrow make-up is hidden actor to give a clear impression to others. Therefore, this study connected facial type which is an important factor deciding facial image with eyebrow, examined image of eyebrow make-up and that changed by facial types and aimed to be helpful in producing more effective facial image with eyebrow make-up considering one's facial type. Consequently, it was found that eyebrow make-up was a great factor in making better facial impression and image and complementing the weakness of facial type. h strong impression of facial type can be changed into soft shape or foolish shape in worse case depending on the types of eyebrow make-up. Eyebrow make-up shows charming image as angle of eyebrow is steep, heavy image as eyebrow is horizontal, cold image as eyebrow tail rises and simple and dull image as it lowers. Therefore, it is known that image of eyebrow make-up can be governed by several factors including angle and direction of eyebrow. Consequently, it is thought that most effective eyebrow make-up considers individual facial types, images of their eyes, noses and mouths and factors deciding angle, direction and colors of eyebrow.


  • 강은주 Gang, Eun-Ju. 조선대학교 디자인경영학과


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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