

봉건적 부역노동 제도의 고전적 형태와 그 형성


The Classic Form of the Feudal Labor-Service System and Its Formation


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



In the original form of feudal labor-service system which had come into existence in the first half of the 8th century, labor-service was imposed to the servile tenant in the form of week-corvee by three days a week, and to the free tenant in the form of allotment-corvee. The classic form of feudal labor-service system was quite different from this original form of feudal labor-service system. In the classic form of feudal labor-service system that was developing under the classic manor system of the 9th century, these two original modes of corvee differed according to status were transformed and mixed in several ways. In the meantime the modes of corvee develop a tendency to converge in common with each other, regardless of the status of tenure all over the domain and the manor.
Consequently it is characteristic that while the classic form of feudal labor-service system assumes the compositeness, diversity, formlessness, fluidity and dynamism, it shows uniformity and universality.
Various factors had influences on the formation of the classic feudal labor-service system. They were the ancient social status system and production-means such as ox, plough and the size of tenure. Until the first half of the 8th century when the original form of feudal labor-service system had come into existence, the way and the quantity of labor-service had been determined by the ancient status system. But at the beginning of the 9th century when the classic manor system was formed, whether a tenant had production-means or not and their dimension became a criterion for imposing labor-service. Therefore in the process of passage from the labor-service, the original form of feudal labor-service, the classic form of feudal labor-service, week-corvee, allotment-corvee, tenure original form to the classic form of feudal labor-service system, a decisive drive was production-means. Such a revolutionary change of the criterion imposing corvees means that the transition from the ancient slavery society to the medieval feudal society entered upon the final stage.


Ⅰ. 머리말
 Ⅱ. 봉건적 부역노동 제도의 고전적 형태
 Ⅲ. 원초적 형태로부터 고전적 형태로의 이행
 Ⅴ. 맺음말


  • 이기영 Ki-Young Li. 동아대학교


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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