

포티우스 연구 Ⅰ-역사적 배경과 역할건국신화로 전이되는 왕통>보의 권능


Research on Potius Ⅰ -Historical Background and His Role


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Research on Photius Ⅰ-Historical Background and His Role- In 858 emperor Michael III forced patriarch Ignatius to abdicate. To replace him, Bardas selected the protoasecretis Photius. New patriarch Photius followed the line of reforms of Tarasius, Nicephorus and Methodius who was cooperative on the policy of byzantine government. But his following was not a copy. Reforms of former patriarchs were in internal polics, on the other hand Photius's reform was in both internal and external politics. Reform of Photius excited not only nationalism, but made the birth of humanism and played a decisive role to make the second golden age. Reform-thought of Photius was caused by reading and a wide experience. He gained experience in youth to meet islamic culture. It seems that this experience had an affect on his reform-thought. On the other hand, it seems that his experience as a ambassador played a decisive role to solve problems of bulgarian missions. This decisive role was not in the duty of patriarch but in the duty of the minister of diplomacy. Photius showed his talent in theology, bulgarian missions, edit of laws, education of Constantinople university, master's role of emperor Leo IV, writings etc. It means that he was a reformer who dreamed change of byzantine state and society.


Ⅰ. 머리말
 Ⅱ. 포티오스의 등장: 보수파와 개혁파의 갈등
 Ⅲ. 포티오스의 활동: 교황과의 갈등·불가리아 선교
  1. 교황과의 갈등 - 무교병과 필리오쿠에 논쟁
  2. 불가리아 선교
 Ⅳ. 포티오스의 활동: 법률 개정·저술·교육
  1. 법률 개정
  2. 저술과 교육활동
 Ⅴ. 맺음말


  • 김차규 Cha-Gyu Kim. 명지대학교


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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