

엘리자베스 1세의 지방 순시와 행차


Queen Elizabeth I's Progresses and Visits


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Queen Elizabeth began her annual progresses and visits from 1559 and relentlessly continued until the last year of her reign(1603), except for several years of political turbulence in the 1580s. In a sense, her royal progress may not have been unique considering that many medieval and Tudor-Stuart rulers went on progresses too. However, there was no ruler who made a progress more regularly and systematically than Queen Elizabeth I. She deeply understood the importance of public opinion and reputation of a ruler through her lessons that she learned both from her humanist education and her own experiences.It is significant to understand that Elizabeth acknowledged the fountain of her legitimacy and power as a monarch was from the love and loyalty of her subjects. To create her strong nexus with the people and promote her popularity among her subjects, Elizabeth enthusiastically went on her annual progresses and visits during her whole reign. In conclusion, Queen Elizabeth's systematic practice of her annual progresses had three main purposes. First, her royal progress was her determined political strategy to secure her reign by directly contacting her subjects and by promoting her popularity among them. Second, another aim of her progresses was to stimulate local economy in that her royal train was enormous whenever she visited towns and villages. Third, Elizabeth's progresses and visits were her financial policy based on the give-and-take relationship of the Tudor patronage system, a practical tool of her exploitation of her favorites and richer subjects, to lighten the tax burden of the ordinary people. More importantly, all these strategies originated from her commitment for her subjects and her determination to be a successful monarch in history.


I. 머리말
 II. 여론의 중요성에 대한 이론과 경험
 III. 지방 순시와 행차의 목적
  1. 정치적 목적
  2. 경제적 목적
 IV. 맺음말


  • 김현란 Hyun-Ran Kim. 원광대학교


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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