Patristic relationship with women are seemingly aloof. But Augustine is exeptional in that he describes his vital experience as a repentant son and an ardent lover. In contrast to another patristic writers, he does not display woman-hate as such. He directs his aggression against male concupiscence. The sexless intellect (mens rationalis) is defined as created in God’s image. Augustine is the first author who directly confronts I Cor. 11,7 by affirming that women too are created in God’s image and the sexless rational soul is defined as created in God’s image. Nevertheless, Augustine’s perspective is dualistic, since he argues the androcentric sex roles in terms of God-willed gender hierarchy. This combined malecentered and dualistic perspective is the typology of Augustine‘s view of female sex.
II. 아우구스티누스 이전의 여성관
III. 아우구스티누스의 여인들
저작 속의 여인들
현실 속의 여인들
IV. 아우구스티누스의 신학적 여성관
전통적 여성관
'페미니스트적' 여성관
심신이원론적 여성관
V. 맺음말