

1563년 영국 장인법의 제정의도


The Intention of Enactment of the Statuteof Artificers in 1563


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



From the deliberation of the Statue of Artificers to its consent, both Elizabeth I and the Parliaments tried to gain benefits and make each one's party good respectively, keeping up mutual cooperation as well. Elizabeth I, on the one hand, realized her policy controlling the parliaments in the process of its deliberation by the Privy Council; and on the other hand, she had no choice to acknowledge and protect the interest of Parliaments since the Parliaments built and maintained her financial and military foundation. Elizabeth I had a conflict of interests against the group of Parliament, while pursuing the social order consistently, stabilizing the society and consolidating the economic basis. Based on the study of the background and nucles of Statues of Artificers, we can divide its contents and intention into three as follows; First, the group of Parliaments tried to consolidate their social and economic bases. Second, Elizabeth I sought to stabilize the society. Third, Elizabeth I and the group of Parliaments were able to make terms for the engagement qualification in the fields of commerce and industry.


I. 서언
 II. 의회세력의 사회경제적 기반의 강화
  1. 노동조건의 규제
  2. 신규영업의 규제
 III. 엘리자베스 1 세와 의회세력의 타협·절충
  1. 상공업의 종사자격에 대한 규정
 IV. 엘리자베스 1 세의 사회안정화 추구
  1. 고용조건·이직조건의 규제
  2. 도제·직인의 안정화
 V. 결어


  • 조성식 Sung-Sik Cho. 전남대학교 강사


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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