Little has been written on the problem of the woman in medieval theology in comparison with other eras of Church History. The New Testament and patristic ages have attracted far more attention. Through women came death, suffering, and toil into the world. So taught the Bibel and patristic tradition. It should come as no surprise that clerical thought in this period was misogynist. On the another hand, the medieval theological tradition also does have, as we have seen, a positive core; the medieval Church insisted in theory on a true mutuality and moral equivalence between the sexes. However often the medieval commitment to spiritual equivalence was under- mined by androcentric and patriarchal assumptions. Just as there is no point in branding the Middle Ages misogynist, there ist no reason to go to the opposite extreme, to single out certain isolated phen- omena as harbingers of feminist sympathies. Ahistorical interpretation is also to be avoided
II. 중세 초기의 여성관에 대한 재검토
III. 죄의 온상인 이브?
IV. 변화된 중세 후기의 여성관
V. 맺음말