


영화에서 나타난 동ㆍ서양 의복색의 상징성에 관한 연구


A Study on the Symbolism of the Eastern-Western Costumes' Color in Films




This study is to research the symbolism of the Eastern and Western costumes' color in films. Therefore, I chose movies about colors, which are 'Trzy Kolory', a Western movie directed by Krzysztof Kieslowski and 'Hero', an Eastern movie directed by Zhang Yimou. The purpose of this study is to figure out the symbolism of the common colors shown in both movie which are red, blue and white. Also, by comparing the eastern and western color symbols I studied the ambivalence of colors. Therefore, the comparison of the eastern and western color symbolisms are as the followings. The color red symbols charity in the movie and jealous, hatless, lies, expansion, self esteem, resist, struggle and sadness in the movie . The color blue symbols freedom, lost, gloomy and sadness in the movie and sacrifice and sadness in the movie . The color white symbols equality and emptiness in the movie and true love, sadness and sacrificed love in the movie . Consequently, it appears that the colors symbolize differently in the East and the West. Three series of which is the West movie has more positive meanings than the Eastern movie. Therefore, the meanings of symbols of the costumes' color are different in the East and West as they have different cultures, and also they could be expressed differently by the directors intention.


  • 백선영 Paik, Sun-Young. 숙명여자대학교 시간강사


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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