

Dynavision을 이용한 대학생과 노인의 남녀간 시지각 반응 속도 비교


Visualperception reaction comparison between men and women on university students and the olds using Dynavision

장철, 송민옥, 김희, 김성수, 이건철

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



PURPOSE: In stroke patient rehabilitation therapy, visual perception disorder is an important factor to decide patient's ADL recovery and recuperation.
METHOD: In this study, we studied what factors have effects on ADL performance ability to do stroke patient visual perception therapy on 36 university students and the 28 . ds. We use Dynavision set B-mode visual perception measurement and trainnig tool for 30 seconds at 5-second and 2-second intervals. We use only 4 rings among 5 ones.
RESULT: It was resulted that womenls visual perception reaction velocity was a little bit faster when we compared womenls visual perception reaction velocity with menls and that it was faster at 2-second interval than at 5-second interval. In up and down space comparative, there's no significant contrast and in right and left space comparative, left's visual perception reaction velocity was faster than right's.
CONCLUSION: We hope to you can use these results to improve stroke patient's ADL effect ability and to study visual perception therapy.


 I. 서론
  1. 연구의 배경
  2. 연구의 목적
 II. 연구방법
  1. 연구대상
  2. 연구방법
  3. 분석방법
 III. 결과
  1. 연구대상자의 일반쩍 특성
  2. 대상자 전체의 5초.2초의 시지각 반응 속도비교
  3. 남녀의 시지각 반응 비교
  4. 2초간격에서 대상자 전체의 좌·우 시지각 반응 속도 비교
  5. 2초 간격에서 대상자 전체의 상·하 시지각 반응 속도 비교
 IV. 고찰
 V. 결론


  • 장철 Chel Jang. 경남정보대학 작업치료과
  • 송민옥 Min-Ok Song. 경남정보대학 작업치료과
  • 김희 Hee Kim. 경남정보대학 작업치료과
  • 김성수 Seong-Soo Kim. 경남정보대학 작업치료과
  • 이건철 Geon-Cheol Lee. 경남정보대학 물리치료과


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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