

허사 there 구문에 대하여


On the Expletive there Constructions


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Based on the Chomsky's (1995) Attract theory, Chomsky (1998, 1999) presents Agree theory. This Agree theory proposes a locality condition such as Defective Intervention Constraint (DIC), which is the counterpart of Minimal Link Condition (MLC) in Chomsky (1995). Although this Agree theory is better than the Attract theory in that there's no concept like feature movement, it also has some problems. In particular, this Agree theory is not successful in explaining various expletive constructions without relying on such stipulations as the Maximization Principle and the Blocking Principle. In addition, there are some inconsistencies in analyzing these constructions within this framework. Following Hiraiwa's(2001) Multiple Agree, Chomsky (2001) introduces a new locality condition called Intervention Constraint (IC). Unlike the former mechanism, in this framework, there is no need to posit such stipulations as the Maximization Principle and the Blocking Principle.
This paper points out some inconsistencies in Chomsky's (1998, 1999) Agree theory in analyzing various expletive constructions and argues that in order to analyze the above expletive constructions more economically, Hiraiwa's Multiple Agree and Chomsky's Intervention Constraint should be adopted.


 1. 서론  2. 허사 there 구문 분석: Chomsky(1998, 1999)의 일치 이론
 2.1 분사수동구문
 2.2. 인상구문 및 예외적 격 표시 구문
 3. Chomsky(2001)의 다중일치 분석
 3.1 아이스랜드어 허사구문
 3.2 영어 허사구문
 4. 결론


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자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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