

초등학교 구강보건실 운영에 따른 구강건강실태에 관한 연구


The Study on the Status of Oral Health According to the Administration of an Oral Infirmary at Elementary School

송경희, 고윤아

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The most core project is the administration of a school oral infirmary among the oral hygiene projects at school. This study was to grasp the actual condition of children’s oral health in Jeju region in order to verify an efficiency of an oral infirmary, and suggest the right direction of the administration activity of a school oral infirmary as well as prepare the basic material for the corresponding project to develop continuously, by comparing and analysing the rate of recognition and practice on oral health between a child attending a school with an oral infirmary and a child attending a school without an oral infirmary. The research method was to compare and analyze the actual condition of oral health with regard to elementary schools operating oral infirmaries in Jeju Special Self-Governing Province after requesting the provincial office to release the information. The result of this study is as follows. 1. As a result of comparing the actual dft rate year-on-year, the improvement effect of children's oral health was observed year by year except third grade and fourth grade. 2. As a result of comparing the actual dft index year-on-year, the improvement effect of children's oral health was observed year by year. 3. As a result of comparing the actual DMFT rate year-on-year, the improvement effect of children's oral health was observed year by year. 4. As a result of comparing the actual condition of oral health year-on-year, the improvement effect of children's oral health was observed year by year. 5. As a result of comparing the actual DT rate year-on-year, the improvement effect of children's oral health was observed year by year. 6. As a result of comparing the actual FT rate year-on-year, the improvement effect of children's oral health was observed year by year. 7. With regard to a habit of toothbrushing, a child attending a school with an oral infirmary, has a higher recognition on toothbrushing after meal at school than a child attending a school without an oral infirmary. 8. A child attending a school without an oral infirmary, shows somewhat high extent of practice regarding the management and use of an oral product. 9. A child attending a school with an oral infirmary, indicates high rate of concept establishment regarding special oral terminology. A child attending a school with an oral infirmary, shows much higher recognition by reason that the administration of sealant is performed periodically throughout the year. 10. A child attending a school with an oral infirmary, showed somewhat high necessity of fluoride toothbrushing project at school. This result shows that the development of oral health and awareness of oral hygiene took effect. The awareness of oral hygiene achieved in an oral infirmary will form the basis of oral health care during a lifetime, and lay the foundation of national oral health by reducing dental caries through continuous oral health care. To operate oral hygiene project centering around an advance prevention while avoiding post-treatment, an education in oral hygiene and publicity should be preceded. It will be the most desirable thing if a preventive treatment keeps pace with a proper education according to the individual condition of oral hygiene, as school oral infirmaries are established extensively and task forces for oral hygiene are settled. And a continuous education in oral hygiene should be carried out, and the relevant organizations need to expand it through the development of oral hygiene education material.


1. 서론
 2. 연구대상 및 방법
  2.1. 연구대상 및 자료수집
  2.2. 연구자료와 분석방법
 3. 연구결과
  3.1. 연구대상자의 구강건강실태
  3.2. 연구대상자의 구강보건인지도 및 실천
 4. 고찰
 5. 결론


  • 송경희 Kyoung Hee-Song. 제주관광대학 치위생과
  • 고윤아 Yoon A-Koh. 제주관광대학 치위생과


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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