

임상미술치료가 뇌졸중 환자의 자아존중감 및 재활동기에 미치는 영향


The Effects of Clinical Art Therapy on Self-Esteem and Motivation for Rehabilitation in Stroke Patients


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Objectives:The significance of this study lies in verifying the effects of clinical art therapy on self- esteem and the Motivation for Rehabilitation of patients of stroke after recovery. Methods:Subjects were consisted of 14 stroke patients and were divided into two groups;control (n=7) and experimental (n=7) groups. The before and after plan for comparing inequalities was adopted and the experimental group received clinical art therapy for 60 minutes, once a day, for the total of 14 sessions. The self-esteem index and Motivation for Rehabilitation after treatment index were used as research tools, and the measured data were analyzed with ttest using the SPSS/WIN 12.0 program. In addition, K-HTP picture analysis inspection and changes before and after clinical art therapy were also carried out to qualitatively analyze effects of intervention. The clinical art therapy process was analyzed according to sessions and individuals. Results:In the experimental group, there were statistically significant improvements in the self-esteem and the Motivation for Rehabilitation after recovery (P<0.05) thanks to clinical art therapy. Conclusion:Clinical art therapy has a positive effect on improvement of self-esteem and the Motivation for Rehabilitation for stroke patients recovering from the disease. This indicates that clinical art therapy can effectively be adopted as rehabilitation treatment for stroke patients. (Journal of The Korean Academy of Clinical Art Therapy 2008;3(2):95-103)


 연구대상 및 방법
  1. 연구대상
  2. 연구도구
  3. 자료수집 방법 및 절차(임상미술치료프로그램)
  4. 분석방법
  1. 임상미술치료의 효과에 대한 양적분석
  2. 임상미술치료의 효과에 대한 질적 분석


  • 김은희 Eun Hee Kim. 광장종합사회복지관


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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