


梅泉 黃玹과 性理學 - 『梅泉野錄』을 중심으로


A Study on Maecheon Hwang Hyeon and Neo-Confucianism - focusing on Maecheonyarok

매천 황현과 성리학 - 『매천야록』을 중심으로


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Maecheonyarok of Hwang Hyun is a history book about changes and events in areas of politics, economy, society, and culture that happened in Korea and abroad for 47 years from 1864 (the first year of King Gojong’s rule) to 1910 and one of the important historical materials that help understand social changes during the latter era of the Chosun dynasty and the process how the dynasty lost its sovereignty. Also, Hwang Hyun, author of Maecheonyarok, was a patriot who killed himself on Sept. 10, 1910, leaving four poems about death, after the Daehan Empire was annexed to Japan on Aug. 29, 1910. Although Hwang Hyun, his books, and suicide have been examined in many ways, few studies have been made on his relationship with neo-Confucianism. Of course, this is because it is impossible to find any sign of systematic research or inquiry into Confucianism or new-Confucianism from his books. Nevertheless, we cannot deny that he was an intellectual based on Confucian principles, and in this regard, a study that shows how deeply he is associated with Confucianism and new-Confucianism and with which branch of Confucianism he is more closely related is expected to help have a more in-depth understanding of him and provide a foundation for us to understand his history books and literary works from a different perspective. Seeing him as a scholar of neo-Confucianism, this study aims to examine his attitude toward neo-Confucianism and which branch of neo-Confucianism he belongs to by looking into his views on schola rs of neo-Confucianism found in Maecheon Yarok, rather than tryin g to analyze his characteristics as a scholar of neo-Confucianism.


Ⅰ. 들어가는 말
 Ⅱ. 『매천야록』과 그곳에 수록된 학자
 Ⅲ. 『매천야록』에 수록된 학자들의 계보와 학문적 특징
 Ⅳ. 학자들에 대한 매천의 평가
 Ⅴ. 나오는 말 : 황현과 성리학


  • 김기주 Kim, Kee-joo. 순천대학교 지리산권문화연구원 HK교수


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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