

일-한 번역과정 연구의 번역 교육 적용


Applying research in Japanese-Korean translation process to teaching translation


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This study aims to apply process-oriented research methodology to teaching translation. As Wilss (1996, p. 193) refers to translation teaching as "an 'open field' which calls for experiment and innovation", this paper claims to accept that translating and translation study have subjectivity features, and the need for controlling the subjectivity. Amidst criticisms raised within translation studies on result-oriented education, the usefulness of TAP is emphasized as a research methodology focused on the process of translation. After conducting an experiment using TAP to 7 translation-learners, the data is analyzed to identify problems revealed in the process of translation, and suggestions are made to improve the existing teaching methodology. As a result of the TAP experiment, the subjects' consciousness about language interference and mother tongue competence were found to be problems. Focusing on the data that same or similar Korean expressions have been repeated in problematic TT segments, this paper calls for the need for understanding 'translator creativity' on the part of both translation teachers and students, and explores the possibility of applying the concept in teaching translation.


  • 조상은 Cho, Sang-Eun


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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