

미국남장로회 순천스테이션의 교육선교와 매산남·녀학교


Educational Mission and Maesan Boy’s & Girl’s School in Soonchun Station of the Southern Presbyterian Mission in Korea


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Maesan boy’s & girl’s school in Suncheon of Chonnam is a school that was established by the Soonchun station for the southern presbyterian mission in Korea. Eunsung School, which is its former self, was started from private school in Geumgok-dong of Soonchun in 1910, was transferred a school building to Maegok-dong sometime in 1911∼1913, and was opened formally by being approved by the authority in September of 1913. However, the religious education was problematic and caused conflict due to the enactment in private school law of Japanese colonial rule in 1915, and was closed in June of 1916. In the meantime, it applied for approval to the authority in 1920 following the 1919 independence movement of Korea, acquired the approval in March of 1921, and was again opened as Maesan boy’s & girl’s School on April 15. The education and the facilities for Maesan boy’s & girl’s school were the level that doesn’t lag behind compared to other public schools, and was emphasized the industrial education with the objectives of expanding finances in school, of acquiring technology in students, and of arranging school expenses. Especially, J. K. Unger, who was appointed as a principal of Maesan school in 925, did lay a cornerstone of development in school while concentrating on industrial education. Regarding the self-working in students of Maesan boy’s & girl’s school, the sports activity, eloquent activity, and musical activity were famous. However, a wave of school strike, which had swept away the whole country in the 1920s, was not exception even in Maesan boy’s & girl’s School. In particular, since 1925 when the principal Unger was appointed, a trial was experience that the big and small cases take place. And finally, Maesan boy’s & girl’s School was willingly abolished in September of 1937 according to a policy of southern presbyterian mission, which was opposed to the extortion of shrine worship in Japanese colonial rule in 1937.


Ⅰ. 머리말
 Ⅱ. 은성학교의 설립과 폐교
 Ⅲ. 매산학교의 설립과 운영
 Ⅳ. 매산학생들의 자치활동
 Ⅴ. 매산학교의 시련과 폐교
 Ⅵ. 맺음말


  • 한규무 Han, Kyu-moo. 광주대학교


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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