

肅宗의 景宗王位繼承의도 검토


The study of King Sukjong's plan for the crown prince's succession

숙종의 경종왕위계승의도 검토


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



King Sukjong(肅宗) ascended the throne at the age of fourteen because of King Hyoenjong(顯宗)'s sudden death. The early political situation was unstable because there were faction, for example, the issue of King Hyojong(孝宗)'s succession. So King Sukjong took advantage of the political shifts(換局) to strengthen royal power, and forty years later, he attained the strengthen royal power by obtaining the position, the doctrine of trinity(King-Master-Father; 君師父) in relation
to the acquisition of Honorable(尊號) and the political shifts of 1716(丙申處分). However, weakening of the crown prince's position which had stood on the basis of Soron(少論) was
inevitable, because Noron(老論) came into power. Especially, Noron who led the political shift of 1694(甲戌換局) and execution of Queen consort, Hui(禧嬪張氏) couldn't permit the succession of Queen consort Hui's son. In this situation, King Sukjong carried through the single conversation in 1717(丁酉獨 對) and the regency of the crown prince at the same time, he could make a basis for natural succession with Noron's support. King Sukjong could mollify Noron's aversion to succession and accomplish secure succession by gradual relinquishment of power for the crown prince in the regency. So the crown prince could get enough time and experience for political administration by this gradual relinquishment. King Sukjong did not allow Noron's leading in military power because of protection for the crown prince. Moreover he appointed Soron's leaders to Pibyonsa(備邊司) constantly in order to assist for the crown prince. It is also a part of King Sukjong's plan that he chose a woman of Noron's family for the crown price's marriage partner in order to allay hostility. In conclusion, King Sukjong made and carried out his plan for secure succession of throne by the single conversation in 1717 and regency, in the teeth of Noron's opposition and condemnation.


1. 머리말
 2. 丁酉獨對와 代理聽政결정
 3. 代理聽政기간 점진적 王權移讓
 4. 맺음말


  • 장종진 Jang, Jong-Jin. 서강대


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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