

번역과 언어의 경제: 영화번역을 중심으로


Economy of language in translation: With focus on movie translation


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Screen translation provides many interesting research topics in that it must meet, or meets, three important criteria: readability, economy of language and representation of both a source and a target culture. Economy of language, among other things, is more strictly obeyed as a rule in screen translation than in other conventional forms of translation. Screen translators should walk a fine line between creation and translation for the purpose of entertainment thus increasing box office revenues. For this reason, however, screen translation in Korea has not so far enjoyed much attention from the academic community of translation studies. Screen translation has been regarded as closer to creation than to translation, or at best, as defective translation. In light of its reflection and influence on the mass culture screen translation deserves more academic attention than ever before. The above-mentioned three criteria interact one another with economy of language being the single most important of all. Studies on screen translation shed much light on education both in translation and simultaneous interpretation because they deal with discourses, texts and images at the same time. This paper looks at when and how these criteria are applied and shows what it means for training future translators and interpreters.


  • 장민호 Jang, Min-Ho


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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