

번역물 감수기준의 변천 고찰


Evolution of revision parameters


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



It has been argued that revision is essential to improve the quality of translation output. What is especially at issue is the question of how to establish the parameters of revision. This is also considered important given the argument that training on revision will help to improve translation competence. Taking this research need into account, the paper focuses on the following two questions: How have the parameters of revision changed over the passage of time?: What are the similarities and dissimilarities of the parameters provided by different scholars? In an effort to answer for these self-raised questions, the paper chronologically looks into the different parameters laid down by three authors (Darbelnet, Horguelin & Brunette, Mossop) and analyses the changes emerged in the process of their research. The result shows that the earlier parameters put priority on linguistic and stylistic concurrences between original texts and translated ones. The earlier stage of research also put more consideration to word- to-word basis than to the context basis. On the contrary, the later parameters begin to take into account functional and more encompassing parameters. These findings from the current research will serve as a reference point for future revision training and useful data for laying down effective parameters for revision.


  • 이향 Lee, Hyang


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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