

매체 환경에 따른 언어․문화 비교 연구 - 간판 매체 언어와 인터넷 매체 언어를 대상으로-


A Study on Language-Culture according to the Media Type: In the Comparison of the Signboard Language and Internet Communication Language.

신현숙, 박건숙

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



A Study on Language-Culture according to the Media Type: In the Comparison of the Signboard Language and Internet Communication Language. Journal of the International Network for Korean Language and Culture. Vol. 7-2. 121-148. The goal of this paper is to prove sociolinguistic characters through linguistics analysis in the signboard language and internet communication language (hereafter ICL). Signboard language function as a selling product and ICL function as a giving information. Signboard language emphasize the producer and the area of production through [HUMAN] and [PLACE] expressions. [HUMAN] expressions in ICL indicate a categorizing data users. In [PLACE], signboard language used in {-hoe(會)}, {-won(院)}, and so on, as buildings, but ICL used in {blog}, {cafe}, {board(gesipan)}, and so on as area. In [TIME], signboard language divide the present into two parts, {modern times(hyeon-dae)} and {new modern times(sae-hyeon-dae)} but ICL divide the present into various parts, {the lastest(choe-geun)}, {today(o-neul)}, {now(ji-geum)}, {real time(sil-sigan)} and so on. The results of this study can be showed language expressions by the media type related to the industrial society and the information-oriented society.(SangMyung University)


 1. 연구 목적과 방법
 2. 간판 매체 언어와 인터넷 매체 언어의 형식 비교
 3. 간판 매체 언어와 인터넷 매체 언어의 언어․문화 비교
  3.1 [사람]과 관련된 표현
  3.2 [장소]와 관련된 표현
  3.3 [시간]과 관련된 표현
  3.4 [긍정적 가치]와 관련된 표현
 4. 분석 결과
 참고 문헌


  • 신현숙 Shin Hyon-Sook. 상명대학교
  • 박건숙 Park Keon-Sook. 상명대학교


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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