

오르한 파묵 번역과정의 문제점과 대응사례


Problem of Orhan Pamuk's Translation Process and Response Instance


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Cultures only achieve internationality when they surpass their regionality. Establishment of internationality is realized with the opening to other cultures' culture and artworks. One of the most important tools to create such effect is interchange of artworks and translated literature. Throughout history, translation has played an important role of connecting different worlds and cultures. Recently, it has become a highly-specialized academic field that is being recognized to be all the more important. Translation allows us to learn the scale of people in other worlds and estimate the point that we have reached. In other words, they let us know of other frame of references and works that are different from ours formed by our own economic and social structure. It is impossible for a country to understand the history of world's civiliation without translation. Translation enriches our native language, and expands and open new possibilities for our culture. In the 21st century's globalized world, the emphasis on translation is only natural. This paper presents the difficulties in translating Orhan Pamuk's text, the first Turkish Literature to win the Nobel Prize, and observes how they were addressed in actual translated materials with discussion of translation theories. The paper is limited, as it analyzes only one translated work to discuss and seek solutions to proposed translation issues, especially the difference in culture, history, and concepts between Korea and Turkey, an Islamic country. However, it may serve as nutrients to foster enhanced translated works in the future.


 1. 서론
 2. 번역과 번역가에 관한 제반 소고
 3. 오르한 파묵 번역 과정에서 나타난 문제점과 사례별 대응
  3.1. 문화색이 짙은 단어
  3.2. 기점언어의 고유명사
  3.3. 수사학적 의역
  3.4. 화법
  3.5. 속담
  3.6. 관용적 표현
  3.7. 은유 및 직유
  3.8. 의성어, 의태어
  3.9. 영화 관련 및 문학 작품명 번역
 4. 결론


  • 이난아 Lee, Nan-a. 한국외국어대학교


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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