


구약해석이 설교에 미치는 영향에 관한 고찰 - '하나님 중심적(Theocentric) 관점'과 '인물 중심적(Anthropocentric) 관점'의 양면성을 중심으로


A Study on the Difference That Both Theocentric Perspective and Anthropocentric Perspective Influence Sermon Message


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



In interpreting the Bible, many issues are pointed out. This is closely related to the crisis of the pulpit. What is the biggest and most important issue of them all? It can be said that the most significant issue is the perspective with which the Bible is interpreted.
The world looks different according to the color of one's glasses lenses. It is the same way with interpreting the Bible. The perspective with which we read the text influences our understanding of it completely.
This is why perspective is such a crucial issue. Depending on perspective, the interpretation of the Bible as well as the message of a sermon will be differ. One perspective is the theocentric perspective, and another is the anthropocentric perspective. Which of these is more the proper perspective to have? The answer is, none. Both are equally accurate and essential. It is not wise to emphasize one type over the other; The Bible is presented in a combination of both types of perspectives.
Two situations in Genesis 12 and 1 Samuel 17 are examples of this. In Genesis 12, Abraham's sins are presented alongside God's faithfulness in keeping His promise. In 1 Samuel 17, a comparison of David and Saul is presented rather than a comparison of David and Goliath. If one is not careful, he can make the mistake of taking either Abraham or David to be the main character of these passages. However, it is crucial to recognize the grace and mercy of God that is supporting these human characters. The ability to see the Bible with a wide and broadened viewpoint is necessary. In interpreting the Bible, we cannot neglect not only the anthropocentric perspective but the theocentric perspective.
According to perspective, a sermon's message can be drastically changed. Biblical preaching is only possible by studying the Bible widely and holistically. In order to become a prominent chef, he must concoct food that is mouth-watering. But what if the food lacks nutrition or is even hazardous? Food that tastes good and is nutritious is the best food of all.
It is the same with preaching. A sermon must be appealing to the congregation while communicating genuine Biblical information at the same time. I call this "biblical and effective Preaching." For the "biblical and effective Preaching", one needs to do away with an unbalanced and narrow perspective. Instead, they need to gain a balanced perspective while preparing sermons. I believe that this is the best recipe to spark revival within the Korean Church.


들어가는 말
 1. ‘하나님 중심적Theocentric’이냐,‘인물 중심적Anthropocentric’이냐?
 2. ‘아브라함처럼 되지 말자’인가,‘신실치 못한 아들과 신실하신 아버지’인가?(창 12:10-20)
 3. ‘골리앗과 다윗의 대결’인가,‘사울과 다윗의 대결’인가?(삼상 17장)
 나오는 말


  • 신성욱 총신대신학대학원, 설교학 교수


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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