

의료관광 시행 이후에 나타난 성과와 향후의 과제


A Study on Medical Tourism Evaluation and Institutional Challenges


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



In the presidential new-year address in January 2, 2009, the President declared that 17 kinds of new driving force of growth that could create high-added value be selected to step up job creation and an increase in national wealth. The Ministry of Strategy & Finance announced plans for the 17 kinds of new driving force of growth after the presidential address. Specifically, that ministry announced an ambitious plan to select health care service named ‘Global Health Care' as one of the five service industries that could create high-added value in a move to provide jobs to approximately 7,000 people and produce pervasive economic effects coming up to a trillion and 10 billion won. To attain the goal, several action plans were mapped out to globalize domestic medical institutions, to rearrange the relevant law and system for the purposes of raising awareness of domestic medical institutions among foreign patients and improving their accessibility and post-satisfaction level, and to lure lots of foreign patients through financial assistance. At the same time, the government announced plans to lure severe patients such as those in want of surgery or organ transplant, cancer patients or patients with heart diseases to create high-added value on a long-term basis. Thus, the government announced that it planned to formulate such strategies and to enter an agreement with foreign governments to attract plenty of foreign patients. In fact, however, there are little full-scale evaluation of medical tourism though it's been a year since it was introduced, and there are few actual efforts to implement what the government announced, either. According to the results of the evaluation of medical tourism, domestic hospitals are said to undergo little significant changes after the introduction of medical tourism, which shows that they take a dim view of medical tourism instead of having expectations for that. The medical tourism industries in major Asian countries have been dynamized, and there are several factors of their success. First of all, they are successful in creating new market opportunities by incorporating related industries such as medicine, tourism and IT and in developing medical tourism products and differentiated marketing by taking advantage of their competitive edge. They have offered full-fledged assistance to this sector, and another reason is the improved international credibility of their medical service. If our country fails to pinpoint our problems in consideration of the cases of the Asian countries or to provide appropriate financial aid, our country is bound to lag behind them. Given this reality, how to assess medical tourism and what challenges this sector is confronted with are discussed.


I. 들어가는 글
 II. 아시아 주요 국가들의 의료관광산업과 정책
  1. 세계 최고의 병원을 목표로 하는 인도의 의료
  2. 국가가 정책적으로 지원하는 태국의 의료
  3. 철저한 개인주의를 지향하는 싱가포르의 의료
  4. 소결
 III. 우리나라의 글로벌헬스케어의 내용과 제도적 과제
  1. 우리나라 의료서비스의 경쟁력과 추진방향
  2. 외국인 환자 유치현황과 인프라
  3. 성공적인 의료관광을 위한 제도적 과제
 IV. 맺는 글


  • 문성제 Moon Seong Jea. 선문대학교


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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