

예술심리치료에서 미적체험의 치료적 차원에 대한 고찰 - 치료미학 논의를 중심으로


A Study on Therapeutic Dimension of Aesthetic Experience in Arts Psychotherapy - Focusing on Therapeutic Aesthetic Discussion


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The purpose of this thesis is to study the reason why art plays a significant role in treating a mental problem. For this purpose, we intend to analyze the concept of aesthetic experience and analyze profoundly, based on it, what kind of therapeutic dimension art has. The essential characteristic of aesthetic experience is to find out and make up the world of meaning beyond the objective property of the object through a direct encounter with the object. The creative work with art works in arts psychotherapy facilitates the creative encounter with one's inside and enables one to express the inside world in art works. Based on this function of aesthetic experience, we can infer the therapeutic aspect as follows: First, art facilitates expression and communication. Second, art provides the space of play, the middle zone between reality and imagination to express reality liberally through imagination. Third, art helps one discover and form meaning. It is expected that this argument over the therapeutic function of aesthetic experience will provide a persuasive ground for the therapeutic power of art and greatly contribute to building up the academic identity of arts psychotherapy as well.


I . 서론
 II. 미적체험에 대한 치료미학적 논의
  1. 미적체험의 주요 특징
  2. 미적체험과 치료미학
 III. 미적체험의 치료적 차원
  1. 표현하고 소통할 수 있도록 한다.
  2. 현실과 상상의 중간지대인 놀이 공간을 제공한다.
  3. 의미를 발견하고 재구성하게 한다.
 IV. 논의 및 결론


  • 이모영 Lee, Mo-Young. 선문대학교


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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