

예술심리치료에서의 심성론: Freud와 李珥의 심성론을 중심으로


Mind Theories in Arts Psychotherapy: With Focus on Freud's Structural Theory of Personality and Yi Yi's Theory of Mind


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This study comparatively investigated the sub components of both Freud's structural theory of personality and a confucian, Yi Yi's theory of mind, with including confucians' mind theories in Chosun Dynasty, in mind theories in arts psychotherapy. Conclusions from this study are that the sub components of Freud's structural theory of personality, that is, id, ego, and superego have similar functions and conceptual structures with iyog(人慾), ui(意), and cholri(天理), the sub components of Yi Yi's theory of mind, respectively, while those theories have some different perspectives such as theories' goals, sub components' origins, conscious and unconscious aspects. It was discussed that both ego and ui(意) can be regarded as executive control system, that speech has an important role to control thoughts and behaviors in both ego and ui(意), that Yi Yi's theory of mind could be regarded as three dimensional aspects like Freud's structural theory of personality, and that our attention to both theories help clinical practices in applied psychology including arts psychotherapy.


I. 서론
  1. 용어 정의
 II. Freud 의 성격구조론
 III. 李珥의 心性論
 IV. Freud와 李珥의 심성구조 비교
 V. 논의
  1. 李珥의 마음의 삼원성
  2. ego와 意의 통제 메커니즘으로서의 언어
  3. Freud 의 성격구조론, 李珥의 심성론, 그리고 예술심리치료
 VI. 맺음말


  • 정용석 Chung, Yong Seok. 진주교육대학교


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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