During the past three decades, a remarkable development progress of Naval Combat Management System(CMS) has been made by following the step-by-step approach. In 1980's ROKN procured a naval CMS from an overseas company in Europe with offset license production. This was the first step of CMS development in Korea. Currently, with the experience of a patrol ship CMS and a landing platform CMS development, the new frigate CMS is under development by the lead of ADD.
Open architecture is a well-known and popular technical trend in naval CMS area because of the merit in the area of development cost and flexibility. As the consequence, ROKN tries to adopt a new technical trend.
This research deals with the technical trend and strategy of Naval CMS development in Korea. The basic configuration and operating concept of CMS are explained in chapter 1 and 2 in order for better understanding. Examples of CMS development in foreign countries are discussed to analyze the current CMS design concept of the advanced overseas companies. A history and special features of several Korean surfaceship CMS developments are discussed. Finally, the paper concludes by suggesting plans for future CMS development.
1. 서론
2. 함정전투체계 개요
2.1 수상함의 전투체계
2.2 잠수함의 전투체계
3. 주요국의 개발동향
3.1 수상함 전투체계의 개발동향
3.2 잠수함 전투체계의 개발동향
3.3 함정전투체계의 해외 기술동향
4. 국내 개발현황 및 발전추세
4.1 수상함의 전투체계
4.2 잠수함의 전투체계
4.3 국내 함정전투체계의 발전추세
5. 결론