

독일예술심리치료의 발전 동향과 한국예술심리치료 발전을 위한 제언


Trend of German Arts Psychotherapy and Suggestion for Development of Korean Arts Psychotherapy


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



When considering that The Korean Association for Clinical Art introduced Arts Psychotherapy to Korea for the first time in 1980s, Korea already has the history of more than 20 years. As shown in its history, it can be evaluated that there have been a lot of quantitative expansions and qualitative reinforcements until now since various types of arts psychotherapy associations, academic societies and curer training schools were created.
However, it is true that there were many problems to solve in the current time point.
The purpose of this study was to suggest main viewpoint that shall be considered for the development of 'Korean Arts Psychotherapy' by researching developmental process and meaning of German Arts Psychotherapy from the integrative viewpoint and its trend about social, vocational role, legal protection and curer nurturing process.
The study suggested the problem of nurturing institution, academic system and legal status of license and analyzed and introduced integrative therapy model of Germany in order to solve the problem. It was essential to develop Korean type integrative therapy theory by using more developed theory and system of other country as model.


I. 들어가는 말
 II. 예술심리치료의 개념적 접근
 III. 역사적 관점에서 통합예술치료의 계보분석
  1. 독일의 심리치료 발전과정에서의 통합예술치료 계보
  2. Hilarion Petzold의 통합치료(Integrative Therapie)
  3. 통합치료의 자격과정 분석
 Ⅵ. 독일의 통합예술치료 현황분석
 V. 나아가는 말


  • 원상화 Won, Sang Hwa. 극동대학교 초등특수교육학과 교수


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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